My name is
Sister M. Emese Kászoni,
my home is Romania. Since 2005 I belong to the Secular Institute of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary. I am a nanny by profession. Now I am happy that I have the opportunity to learn my dream job and become an educator.
It is an exciting and beautiful challenge to be in the middle of the world as a little Mary and at the same time to live my main vocation as Schoenstatt Sister of Mary and to belong totally to God. Here two very different worlds meet. I want to share some of my experiences.
Every week I work in a kindergarten for two to three days. On the other days I attend a large vocational school in the city of Rottweil. In contrast to my everyday life in the kindergarten where I wear my sister’s dress, I go to school in civilian clothes.
They know sisters at most from television films
At the beginning of my studies I told my classmates and teachers that I am a Schoenstatt Sister of Mary. They are modern young people and know sisters at most from television films. Many have looked at me with big eyes and asked many questions. So for example: “Are you a nun and why are you not dressed in a habit, but wearing normal clothes?” I tried to explain that in our community as a secular institute, we want to shape the world through our religious being. Depending on the activity, we have the opportunity to work in sister’s dress or civilian clothes. In both cases we would like to portray an image of Our Lady in our time, not only in womanly dress, but also in noble behavior and speech. It was incredible for my classmates that I do not want to start my own family, but am happy in our community as a big family. I was able to tell them about my vocation and point out the vocation of each individual.
A classmate asked, “How long do you have to pray during the day? Aren’t you bored? Can’t you cut something sort, and no one notices? ” My answer was: It is a real need for me to come back to talk to God over and over again. This is not boring; on the contrary, I draw new strength from prayer.
The collective effort for our training forges us together as a class.
Even though the questions also provoke, I am pleased to give witness in everyday life. I have experienced much that is valuable and can show that to my classmates. They are to be admired when they make this intensive education in addition to their family obligations. The collective effort for our training forges us together as a class. The teachers notice our good cohesion and mutual helpfulness.
There are also difficult moments, e.g. if a class work did not go well. How do I deal with a not so good grade? Then my Christianity becomes concrete: I do not get my self-esteem from the performance. I am a child of God and therefore infinitely valuable.
It is not always easy to reconcile the rhythm of life as a Sister of Mary with my studies and work. However, connected with the Savior and the Mother of God, I can say a happy “yes, Father” and trust that not the words but the effort to live as a little Mary in the world leaves a mark in the hearts of modern people.