“In spirit I kneel before your picture,
Thrice Admirable, strong and gentle Mother,
united with all who have consecrated themselves to you
and are ready to die for your realm.”
We Adoration Sisters pray this prayer from the Schoenstatt Office at the beginning of each adoration hour. Spiritually we each kneel in the Original Shrine and connect with all who are in spirit here or who pilgrimage to this place of grace.
To our delight, this “Bridge of Worship” from our chapel to the Original Shrine also got an outward expression from January 10 to January 31, 2019: During the renovation of the Original Shrine, the Custodia of the Original Shrine was in the tabernacle of our chapel.
Since this Custodia is smaller than our cross monstrance, we were able to see the adoring angels depicted inside the tabernacle much better.

Two days a week, we also had adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in this Custodia in our Adoration Chapel.
We consciously included all the necessary renovations and the workers in our prayer.
We continue to remain united in prayer with all those who “hurry” to the place of grace, Schoenstatt.
The Schoenstatt Adoration Sisters