Corona crisis! Canceled events:
Overnight “set to zero.”
Or? –
Jesus in the last days of his life:
How did he wear himself out to tell people his good news?
What didn’t he all do!
Crowds gathered around him – and he effortlessly fed thousands.
They cheered him; they gave him a grandiose entrance into the capital.
And then he is with a few in an upper room for the Passover celebration.
In that hour he gives himself.
And redeems his devotion: in captivity, abuse, condemnation and death on the cross.
He lets himself be “set at zero” – out of love.
Many of his closest followers now impose a curfew on themselves.
Some, however, do not refuse contact. They stay with him.
Mary, his mother, does not just stay there: she says yes and participates.
In this way she becomes a contact person for many, for all those
who are called to follow the way of her Son.
In the end there is not death, but