Sister M. Toni Wünnemann
1931 – 2020
Last Wednesday, June 10th, 2020, our former Superior General died at the age of 89 in Koblenz-Metternich.
Sister M. Toni was born on April 27, 1931 in Merfeld, Coesfeld district, Münster diocese. On August 5, 1959, she joined our institute. As a young sister, she belonged to the group of Movement sisters. She initially worked for the women and mothers of the Diocese of Trier and was then appointed moderator.
In 1974 our community entrusted her with the role of novice mistress. With empathy and the art of education, Sister M. Toni introduced eleven courses into our sister family. At the General Chapter in 1986 she was elected 5th Superior General of the Community. Her tenure came during the immediate post-founder period with its various challenges. On numerous trips abroad, she visited all the provinces and delegations of our global community in order to be able to absorb the different cultures and mentalities and the Schoenstatt life there.
The highlights of her tenure were, without a doubt, the final recognition of our Constitutions in 1994 and the international pilgrimage of our community to Rome with the coronation of the Blessed Mother in the Cor Ecclesiae shrine there.
After her time as Superior General in 1998, Sister M. Toni took over the management of the training times for several courses.
When she was no longer able to participate in the active life of the community due to illness, she became the silent pray-er who shared all concerns through her prayer and sacrifice. She was always grateful and happy until the last days of her life.
As a community, we thank the Triune God for the blessed life of Sister M. Toni. On Saturday, June 20, 2020, we will celebrate the holy Mass for our deceased co-sister in the Adoration Church at 2 p.m. [live here] and then accompany her to our sisters’ cemetery. Due to the Corona crisis, participation is unfortunately limited.
Please send registrations with names and addresses to:
Sr. Marieluise – Tel.: 0261 / 6404-224 or by
Email: sekretariat.dtspr.assistent@s-ms.org