Let us walk like you through life.
Let us mirror you forever,
strong and noble, meek and mild,
peace and love be our endeavor.
Walk in us through our world,
Make it ready for the Lord.
(Heavenward, 171)
When something really inspires us, we can’t resist. When we know someone who fascinates us, who is an authority for us – then we are touched by the sound of his/her name alone. It gets our attention, and even if someone else has the same name, our thoughts go to that one person first and spontaneously.
What inspired God to create and choose a girl from Nazareth named Mary?
“Then a great sign appeared in the heavens: a woman clothed with the sun; the moon was under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.” (Revelation 12, 1)
She has inspired so many people, the ordinary people, as well as artists and scientists of all ages:
Pope Saint John Paul II, whose centenary we are celebrating this year, has connected his whole life with Mary. His life motto expresses this:
He tirelessly pointed to Mary:
“… Mary remains … the ‘star of the sea’ (Maris Stella) for all those who still walk the path of faith. When they raise their eyes to her in the various places of earthly existence, they do so because she gave birth to ‘a son whom God made the firstborn among many brothers (Rom. 8:29)’ and also because ‘she cooperated in maternal love at the birth and upbringing’ of many brothers and sisters.” (Redemptoris Mater, 6)
He encouraged us: “Go to Mary. Go with Mary. May the echo of your Fiat echo in our hearts”. (John Paul II, Loreto, June 19, 1993)
“Mary – Origo mundi melioris
(Mary – beginning of the better world)
this wonderful new world that God created in her, the Immaculate, that endures and radiates, into whose circle we enter to become new people ”(cf. John Paul II, I am entirely in God’s hands: personal notes 1962-2003, July 9, 1977)

Mary became the guiding star for Father Joseph Kentenich. Overwhelmed by her purity, her undivided devotion to God, he said to her:
“Hail Mary, for the sake of your purity
keep me pure in body and soul …”
And who is Mary for me? What does her name tell me?
This is – perhaps contrary to appearances – a very crucial question!