The Lost Sheep
In Holy Scripture, Jesus explains to us what a good shepherd is like:
He cares for his flock.
He calls his sheep by name,
he knows them, he does not flee when the wolf comes.
He even lays down his life for his sheep.
What has always impressed me the most is that the good shepherd leaves his flock to find the lost sheep.

Father Kentenich places the scene into a new context:
Who is the lost sheep?
“The sheep par excellence that are lost— They are the sheep here on earth – that is human society, which only exists here on earth. This human society is lost. It is the o n e sheep (that strayed from the ninety-nine.)“
Now what does the Good Shepherd do?
For the sake of this one sheep, that is, for the sake of the lost human race, the Good Shepherd descends from heaven, and he seeks humanity.
He dies for humanity.
He wants to bring humanity back into the flock, and this flock is the Church that he founded…“ (Aus dem Glauben Leben, Vol. 2, p. 139/140)
This is of concern to all of us! We are called to assist the Good Shepherd in his pastoral care that seeks (the lost sheep.)
Father Kentenich adds:
“This is the great mission of the Church! The Church must now go out seeking the lost: the lost outside the Church, the lost inside the Church; all who are poor and weak and sinful.” (ibid.)
For Reflection: How do I practice seeking pastoral care?