“Wherever I can spread joy by the way I am,
wherever I can spread a little bit of sunshine through my words,
through my life,
I should take advantage of this, because doing so is something great.
Joy is the magic key that unlocks people’s hearts,
a divining stick that discovers mysterious sources of strength in others
and brings them to life.”
Father Joseph Kentenich
Tuennes and Schel live on the twelfth floor of an apartment house that has no elevator.
After a shopping trip they lugged crates of beverages and groceries upstairs.
To keep themselves going they told each other jokes along the way.
When they reached the top, Tuennes said:
“Now comes the biggest joke of all: The key to our apartment is down in the car.”
We often struggle with ourselves, and too often we forget the “key:” joy!
Father Kentenich even calls joy the “magic key.”
Joy rooted in God, serenity, awakens the best forces in us and in others.