The Dove
Where am I at home?
Where do I feel sheltered and accepted?
Where can I be myself?
Where do I feel good and balanced?

This can be a beautiful place where I come to rest,
a spot in nature, in my gazebo, on the shore of a lake …
But places alone are not enough. I also need a home in people,
in a person who knows me and who loves me.
On a quote card by Father Kentenich we read:
“There is no more beautiful place in the world
in which to be at home,
than the heart of a noble, pure person.”
If this is given to me, then I can consider myself fortunate.
Then I have a place to which I return again and again,
where I can breathe again and draw new strength –
like the DOVE
– as in Father Kentenich’s comparison:
“It is something beautiful
when we have a place in a human heart here on earth.
The dove from Noah’s ark also found a place.” JK 10.9.1939
What is my “Noah’s ark” that lets me in, that opens the door for me?
Is it my family, my WhatsApp group, my circle of friends?
This real “ark” should and may above all be a bridge to God, according to Joseph Kentenich:
“But in the end, what must be my little spot?
The heart of God, our shrine.” JK 10.9.1939
The little chapel, the shrine, can be such an ark for me.
Perhaps I will make a visit there today?