Let us see every created thing as a great,
illustrated book of God,
as a book with readings about him. J. Kentenich

“Bringing shadows into focus, I brighten this day, and dance in the houses of this time” (Clueso).
Brightening this day … Sometimes our day does not start very brightly. Let alone do we feel like dancing. We are still tired and no enthusiasm is awakened on our way to work or while sitting at our desk. And yet, it would be nice to brighten this day.
Someone said:
“It happens more often that when I come to work at the office on Monday morning, I am overwhelmed with the thought: I might be the only one here who received our Lord at Mass yesterday in Holy Communion. And even if I don’t say or do anything regarding this—he is there! In these moments, I feel very close to the Mother of God because she is the Christ-bearer par excellence. I am in closest union with her, because I carry Christ in me. I hope he shines through me and makes the lives of my colleagues brighter.”
Making brighter the lives of others—or as MJ Flerin writes in regard to the new motto for this year:
“A promise, an invitation from Christ: ‘Evangelize!* Evangelize from my joy within!**
Out of the joy that I give you!”
Blessed Mother, I can learn from you how to go through each day in a way that the world perceives Christ anew.
Today I will bring light to others through my openness and spontaneous friendliness.
*The German text is literally: Work!
**Work out of my joy!