“I was born for something greater,”
this is the premise that resonates in the depths of the human heart.
“I was born for something greater” – each and every one of us is born for something great. God brought us into existence in his love and mercy and designed a plan of love for us. He invites us to follow him, his plan, which leads us to our true happiness, to the development of all our powers, to the full development of our love.
Normally, we discover this original plan for our life during adolescence. God the Father helps us to discover him and follow him when we open ourselves to him. It often requires a courageous leap into something new, but a leap that gives us in the depths of our souls a great peace and an inexplicable happiness, a happiness so great that we cannot believe it, a joy that… revealed in our entire being.
This is what Andrea, Verónica, Małgorzata, Christy, Margreate, Belén, Estrella, Catalina and Nina experienced. They have discovered God’s plan of love for their personal lives. And they set out to follow him in our family of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary.
Everyone who met them during this time witnessed the immense joy that is expressed in each of them. This real and deep joy wells up from consciousness: “Ad maiora natus sum”. God has given them a calling and a personal mission.
On January 27, 2024, they will be receive the dress of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in the Adoration Church in Schoenstatt, Germany. As the motto for the invitation, they chose the words from a prayer by Father Kentenich, which is addressed to the Mother of God:

“Let us be conformed to your image…”
They have discovered that their vocation to consecrate themselves completely to God was eternally intended for them in God’s plan. It is a path that is called Schoenstatt, the vocation to become a Schoenstatt Sister of Mary, the vocation to make Mary present in the world.
We accompany them with our prayers in this important step in their lives and we also ask for the grace for each of us to become more deeply aware that we were “born for something greater”.
In this way we too can live more deeply from our original calling and mission.