May 18, 2024


Sister M. Claucelei Goulart

Rio Grande do Sul is experiencing its

worst natural disaster to date.

The state has been hit by heavy rains and tornadoes since April 27. Of the state’s 497 cities, around 450 have been affected in some way. Some rivers have risen and flooded everything, others have caused landslides destroying houses as a result of excessive rainfall, leading to the deaths of many people, and still other cities have been devastated by strong storms. Roads were torn up and bridges were washed away.

The state’s main river has been more than 5 meters above its normal level for more than a week. Another river reached a level of 30 meters above its normal level and completely devastated the cities. All that remained was destruction. Some cities are already experiencing their third flood in a year, with the current one being incomparably more serious.


Those affected were saved with only the clothes they were wearing and lost everything: their houses, their furniture, their documents. Parents have lost their children, children have lost their parents. Now they live homeless in emergency shelters and rely on the help of those who have a good heart.


Added to this is the cold: within just a few days the temperature in some cities has dropped by almost 20°. Since many families with children, sick people and the elderly camp outdoors or seek shelter under awnings or tarpaulins on the side of the road, temperatures are very low between 2° and 7°; there is no heating.


According to the civil defense of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, a total of over 615,000 people had to leave their homes, of which around 76,800 are in emergency shelters and around 538,500 are staying with friends or relatives. To date, 2,124,203 people have been affected by the tragedy, 806 have been injured, 124 are missing, 148 deaths have been confirmed and a total of 76,483 people have been rescued.

The people of Rio Grande do Sul live in the middle of a huge expanse of water and have no access to drinking water. Many neighborhoods and/or cities have no electricity. Hospitals had to be evacuated.

These people need help!

They need water, food, building materials, furniture.

They need everything they need to build a new life with dignity.



The “Sonnenwinkel” social center in Santa Maria, which is run by the Sisters of Mary, was converted into a distribution point for relief supplies in these days of need. Families in neighborhoods hit by heavy rain can receive clothing, hygiene products and cleaning products, food, and water here.

In the “Sonnenwinkel” milk is boiled for families in need. The sisters, together with their employees, volunteers, and young professionals, bring the goods to those affected.

Here’s how you can help:

You are welcome to transfer donations for those affected to the account of the mission headquarters of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in Schoenstatt. From there it is forwarded to an account of the Sisters of Mary in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. These funds will be used by the sisters to buy building materials, food, clothing, medicine, and furniture for the families affected by this natural disaster.

Thank God in advance for your generous help!

Donation account:

Liga Bank eG
Mission headquarters Vallendar,
IBAN: DE10 7509 0300 0000 0589 20, BIC GENODEF1M05
Password: Flood victims Brazil

Online donations are possible at

Mission headquarters of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary: 
Tel.: 0261-6404-311 or 0261-6404-315

Images: Sisters of Santa Maria