June 8, 2024

“Christ – Our Assurance”

Sister Antje-Maria Wunderwald
Germany, Schönstatt

Corpus Christi Procession on Mt. Schoenstatt, Germany

Confidence was demanded in the days preceding the Corpus Christi procession on Mt. Schoenstatt, Germany, because the weather report was not assuring, nor was the news of floods and inundations. Nevertheless, we sisters in Schoenstatt and our helpers confidently prepared. “We usually start cutting roses on Friday morning at around 5 a.m.,” reported the sisters. On Saturday afternoons in particular, young and old volunteers  help lay the flower carpets. For many it is an honor each year to prepare the way for Christ so visibly.

Our trust was rewarded. During the day of the procession, it remained mostly dry; there was rain during the night and thus the flower carpets remained fresh. The colors of the flowers literally radiated—until Monday!

“The organ sounded majestically, the bells echoed festively”

This is how we experienced Holy Mass on Sunday. Thirteen priests and Schoenstatt fathers, pilgrimage groups, individual pilgrims, and sisters filled the Adoration Church. Traditional Corpus Christi hymns were sung with joy. The vocal ensemble of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary also sang more modern songs from its rich repertoire, among others, from the World Youth Day in Krakow. The Niederwerth Music Club 1922 accompanied the Corpus Christi procession with music, because proper brass band music is a must.

Oriented towards God

In his homily, Father Bernd Biberger, General Director of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary, pointed out that it has been a tradition for centuries for Catholics to carry our Eucharistic Lord through the streets of our cities and villages on the Feast of Corpus Christi.  It is a reminder of who actually is the Lord of the world. “As long as man only revolves around himself, he becomes inhuman and idolizes self, but when oriented towards God, his entire humanity can unfold … When, today ,we confess Christ as our assurance, it expresses our conviction that the love God gives us is the fundamental force that can change our lives and the life of our society. This gives us courage and provides hope.” Thus, through the Corpus Christi procession we want to strengthen our hope “especially in these challenging times, because we know we are supported by the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ, his Son.”

For our world

The many national flags carried proudly by people of the respective nations indicated the internationality of our gathering. Every generation was represented. The smallest were pushed in baby buggies, the oldest were present with walkers. One child said so appropriately: “The priest lends Jesus his feet so Jesus can walk across the flower carpets through our world.”

On the way from one altar to another, we carried Christ in the monstrance, as it were, into the worries of our lives and we asked for God’s blessing. The texts of the prayers expressed clearly the problems of our time and world. They took up our everyday lives and strengthened in us the trust and hope we have through our faith. We affirmed the prayers with common responses and sung verse. At each altar there was a specific prayer intention. We prayed together for families, for social justice and peace as well as for the intentions of the Church.

Intercessory prayers of the children

According to a long standing tradition, the children have the floor at the third altar. This time, they connected their petitions to the individual letters of the word confidence—Zuversicht, in German.

Z for listening (Zuhören)

U for impossible (Unmöglich)

V for Providence (Vorsehung)

E for honesty (Ehrlich)

R for real

S for victory (siegen)

I for idea

C for chance

H for heaven

T for totally good –

Yes, Jesus, you are like — in the past and now … You provide assurance.”

Before the blessing, the children enthusiastically scattered rose petals for Jesus in the monstrance. Some children quickly collected the petals so they could throw them again.

Enthusiastic life until the evening

The feast day didn’t end with the closing song Holy God, We Praise Thy Name at the altar in front of the Church. The Holy Mass for pilgrims after the procession was well attended. Afterwards, many people took the opportunity to enjoy refreshments in and around Café Plus and to walk along the flower carpets once more. In the afternoon, there was something for everyone. The shrine was more than full during the meditation; the devotion in the training center and the hour of worship in the church were also well attended.


We will come again!

Among the participants, we met many who come to Schoenstatt every year for the Corpus Christi procession. “Sister, we wouldn’t miss this. We come once a year – and that’s on Corpus Christi. We don’t want to miss this wonderful experience!” Others were here for the first time and were very impressed “We’ll be back next year and we’ll bring friends with us.”

This evening we are looking back on the day with joy and gratitude: The Corpus Christi celebration on Mount Schoenstatt is a true apostolate to which everyone is invited – and many come!

Photos: Sister. Maritta Zell