August 23, 2024

The Pilgrim MTA on
a “Tour of Switzerland”

Sister Ursula-Maria Bitterli, Quarten

Underway for 10 years …

The last canton in Switzerland to be “conquered” by the Pilgrim Mother of Schoenstatt was the canton of Uri in Switzerland – one of the first three cantons established in 1291! And now the Blessed Mother has been there for already 10 years traveling in 12 Pilgrim MTA circles.

The contact persons there saw this as an opportunity to organize a joint meeting in Uri.

Tour of Uri und Tour of Switzerland

A year ago they agreed the meeting would take place on June 12, 2024. After all, it is not only the Pilgrim Mother and her helpers who are out and about in the canton of Uri on this very day, but also the cyclists on the “Tour de Switzerland!” This motivated us to ask the Blessed Mother to continue HER “Tour de Switzerland” as a Pilgrim MTA.

On the road for the thirteenth time

At the meeting, one of the contact persons prepared an atmosphere to pray the Rosary together. The local priest took time to celebrate Holy Mass in the parish church with around thirty people, including five children. An organist was persuaded to play for the occasion. One of the contact persons went to the ambo to give an the introduction,for the reading, the prayers of the faithful and closing words. At the end of Mass, assisted by the two altar servers, the priest blessed the Pilgrim MTA shrines with holy water. It was a special joy that not only the 12 original Pilgrim MTAs were sent out but also 13 new Pilgrim MTAs. The contact person for the new Pilgrim MTA groups is the father of a family with three little children.

A special type of cake buffet

At the fellowship afterwards, we were surprised by a cake buffet that was a delight for the eyes! Of course, we didn’t only look at the cakes! After everyone had enjoyed the delicacies, we listened to a short talk on how the Pilgrim Mother can help us overcome some stumbling blocks in everyday life. Various people shared their experiences of the the Blessed Mother’s visit to their home through the Pilgrim MTA. For example:

“I was taking care of two of my grandchildren, and the Pilgrim MTA was visiting me at precisely this time. The older of the two girls was playing in front of the house. Suddenly she came inside and asked if I wouldn’t please come outside and play with her. I told her that I couldn’t; that I had to stay in the house because I didn‘t want to leave her younger sister, who was sleeping, alone in the house. A second time the older granddaughter came into the house and asked me: Grosi (Grandma), please come outside now and play with me! Again I told her I couldn‘t. Then she took the Pilgrim MTA that was on the table and put it in the bed next to her little sister and said: Now the Blessed Mother is watching X and making sure nothing happens to her so you can come outside with me.” A. T.