September 1, 2024


MJF; M. Anastasia Brand, M. Florence Harder; Theresia Strunk


What is important to me? Where do I want to go?

Then make the small decisions! J.K.



Where fox and hare say goodnight, a colleague goes jogging every day. Actually, you meet no one there. Recently, however, a friend who was also jogging met the colleague at dawn. My friend remarked in amazement: “Would you believe it? She had bright pink lipstick on! Just for herself! What an attitude!”

Yes, what an attitude. Perhaps an “I’m worth something” attitude.
Perhaps an “I’ll make this day my day” attitude.
Or an “It’s going to be tough today – I have to get off to a good start” attitude? Where will I be today?

What is important to me? If I know that, I have sure guidance for the small decisions in my everyday life.
Then I can give life a special color.

Sometimes, maybe even a bright pink one.

Fotos:Carolin Poppe, M. Florence Harder, Schönstatt