September 26, 2024

“Queen of Human Dignity”

Sister M. Caja Bernhard;
Sister M. Anna-Theres Reiling

We Need HER – SHE Needs Us

Women and Mothers of the Schoenstatt Movement in the Diocese

of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Germany

Crowned the Mother of God as

“Queen of Human Dignity”

About 340 women from throughout the diocese came to the Schoenstatt Center Liebfrauenhoehe on September 21, 2024 to crown the Blessed Mother in the entrance of the confernce center once again as “Queen of Human Dignity.” Many of them were present at the first coronation in 2004. Summarizing her impression of this day, Sieglinde V. said, “It was impressive to see these women and to feel so much loyalty and solidarity. Everyone became involved in the cronning celebration in such a committed and uncomplicated way. For me, that was a telling sign of the effectiveness of our Queen. ”

Obviously moved, Rosi K. remarked, “Today I realized once again how relevant and necessary this coronation is.”

“My heart is filled,” stated Gerlinde D. She and Zita K. were impressed by the “great organization” of the coronation day and by the many ‘beaming faces all around.’ For them, this day was ‘like coming home to family’.”

The best for the “Queen of Human Dignity”

After live festive music cheerfully greeted the women, Monika Hauser, who is responsible for the Schoenstaatt women in the diocese, welcomed the women in the packed auditorium. She               explained that the redesign of the entrance, the place where the “Queen of Human Dignity” was crowned in 2004, was the reason for renewing the “outdated” crown. This in turn was the            impetus to ask about the radiance of their own “Crowned Heart” and to give it a new shine. The coronation day was preceded by a year and a half of preparation, characterized by monthly online prayer meetings, thematic discussions and a specially compiled nine-week prayer booklet. She said she was very moved to see how many women contributed their talents to help prepare the coronation day and give their best for the “Queen of Human Dignity.”

Queen of Human Dignity – with YOU,

new CONfidence grows

In a keynote address on the topic “Queen of Human Dignity – With YOU, New CONfidence Grows, Sister M. Caja Bernhard showed the relevancy of the renewed coronation against the background of socially virulent questions regarding human dignity. Likewise, she directed our attention to the possibilities of the Blessed Mother in the midst of the challenges associated with these issues. The clear educational mission and unparalleled educational ability that are combined in the        Blessed Mother–according to the conviction of Father Joseph Kentenich, the founder of the Schoenstatt Movement–comprise

“an educational courage that does not shy away from any difficulty,

 regardless how great it is,” ‘for whom no goal is too high’ and ‘for whom no time is too tumultous and too degenerate,’ that SHE is not “able and willing to master and transform it.”

In the sense of the suggestion that Father Kentenich liked to give after coronation celebrations–“Live in such a way that the Blessed Mother can give you a crown in return!”–Sister M. Caja suggested continuing the crowning in everyday life; for example, through the following steps:

  • Living my everyday life with the Queen.
  • Asking for and conquering a royal attitude to life and a royal lifestyle.
  • Working on a royal “style of relationship”– and last but not least:
  • Unwavering faith and trust: because miserable, therefore worthy of mercy,
  • A miserable, royal child.

These five steps struck a chord in the heart of many women.

  • “Living my everyday life with the Queen is what I take with me,” said Anita D.
  • “What I take with me is to live even more consciously from my own dignity, to live as a ‘royal child.’ Then I am not so susceptible to insults and manipulation,” explained Karin C.
  • “I was particularly inspired by the ideas on how to develop a royal style of relationship,” summarized Sabine L. and she added,
  • “To look more consciously at how I can express dignity to and appreciation of others in everyday life, in particular, to those who might need this ”

Serving the Queen of Human Dignity

In five statements, women testified on how the Queen of Human Dignity motivates them to commit themselves “for life”:

  • Waltraud King reported on her efforts to protect the unborn child,
  • Cornelia Mueller spoke about mother/parent blessing celebrations, which she has offered together with other women for many years, and
  • Rosi Kibler-Mayer described how, in her hospice work, she tries to enable the dying “guests” to experience dignity until the very last moment.
  • Claudia Roth and Sieglinde Vetter testified that life with the Queen of Human Dignity inspires them to shape everyday encounters with dignity, to perceive their counterparts with benevolence and, as far as possible, to take the first step towards better coexistence.

All five testimonies expressed enthusiasm and the clear will to work more tangibly at the local level for human dignity. These are testimonies from the midst of life; they clearly are impressive and make one involuntarily wonder about one‘s own field of work.

The tangible power of grace

Father Franz-Xaver Weber, diocesan leader of the Schoenstatt Movement in the diocese, was with us the entire day. In his homily during Holy Mass, he addressed current social issues relating to human dignity and he emphasized that when we crown the Blessed Mother, we grant her influence on our hearts, on our everyday life, on our country–we accept anew the dignity that God has given us and create a climate of dignity whereever we are.

After the festive liturgy, in which the women brought their crowning commitment to the altar in personal letters and donations for two specific projects protecting human dignity, there was a solemn procession to the coronation site, where Father Weber – visibly moved – performed the coronation once again. “I felt most the power of grace flowing through me at the moment of the coronation,” commented Gisela F. on what must have been a profound experience for everyone. “I was deeply touched by the closeness of the Queen at the coronation. It was palpable that interiorly everyone was completely there. It was a profound experience that I will hold on to for a long time,” added Cordula S.

Heavenwards TV

Unexpectedly for most of the women, the coronation was followed by a witty and cheerful presention in the assembly hall, with “Heavenwards TV” reporting live from the coronation day. Waltraud King,

Ruth Felder and Hildegard Reck-Zuchotzki succeeded in providing an upbeat finale through many cheerful takes and the insertion of some spontaneous interviews, which, according to one of the oldest participants, “should not have been missed under any circumstances.”

After a festive coronation-coffee, everyone returned home again—filled with joy and gratitude for this profound, shared experience, which, as Monika Hauser emphasized, does not mark an end, but a new beginning, a

prelude to a future that begins on

“Day 1” after the coronation.”


Fotos: Stanislav Rauer und Birgit Baumann