A Christmas Party for our Employees
As many companies do, we Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary at Liebfrauenhöhe, Germany also invite our employees to an “Advent Christmas party” during Advent.
We thank them for their work during the year in and around the house – from the laundry, kitchen, housekeeping, office, agriculture to the nursing station where our oldest sisters live. More than 80 gift bags were packed in advance – this year with many home-made items such as apple potato chips, jam, sausage tins, ice-crash candles …

To begin the celebration, Sister M. Siglinde Hilser–on behalf of the provincial superior Sister M. Ilga Dreier–greeted the employees and the sisters responsible for the different areas of work. In an entertaining presentation, Sister M. Thereslitha Wehrle showed us the essence of Christmas and how we can prepare for it.
Christmas is a blessing for us
and we want to be a blessing for others
In between, three wonderfully fitting songs were performed by a choir formed by our employees. Our employees are a blessing for us and like an “Angel” they help everywhere. Sister M. Thereslitha surprised us with photos of the employees’ everyday life and with impressive figures – for example, how many beds were made and how many rooms were cleaned. There were also impressive numbers from the Marienhof – many kilos of harvested fruit and vegetables, plus meat we produced …
It is already a tradition that on this occasion jubilians are recognized and specially thanked. This year nine employees who have worked for us 5, 15, and even 40 years were congratulated.
Afterwards, we could try out a game on the Christmas trail at Liebfrauenhöhe. Everyone enjoyed that.
With great gratitude
With best wishes for a blessed Christmas for all our emmplyees and their families, the celebration in the aula came to an end and we went to a festively decorated dining room where everyone enjoyed a delicious buffet.
The common singing of Advent and Christmas songs naturally could not be missing and a very beautiful atmosphere was created. Sister M. Siglinde accompanied us on the accordian.