One of our most beautiful tasks as Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary is to accompany and inspire girls’ youth groups. We support them as they are growing more and more into their vocation as women and become living images of Mary in all areas of life. Together with one of them, Gabriela Coiado Mota, I’m sharing the mission experience they had during the month of May.
The month of May was a very special month for the Schoenstatt Girls Youth in Brazil (JUFEM). We are living during the time of the pandemic, a time of difficulties, and a time of hardships. But the pandemic does not dispense us of the call to proclaim the Gospel. God challenges us to evangelize wisely, using the means at our disposal.
We are invited to live Schoenstatt in an apostolic manner but we find ourselves preaching: “Stay at home.” We recognize that Covid-19 changes the context in which we live, but it does not change our vocation to proclaim the Gospel: We remain “baptized and sent.” That’s why we wanted to make May a mission month even if we had to stay at home.
With the Blessed Virgin Mary illumine the current reality
With this motto, we, the Schoenstatt Girls Youth of Brazil initiated “Mission – Living the Faith.” We wanted to focus on the many people who suffer because of the consequences of Covid-19. United in prayer we, as it were, “gently forced” the Blessed Mother to take the entire country under her care. By praying the Rosary daily we consecrated Brazil to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Twenty-one thousand and one rosaries were prayed. To deepen our knowledge of the life of our beloved Mother and Queen, spiritual impulses, articles, were published each week on the website YWAM Brazil.
Our Mission Station: Holy Home (Hospital) in Londrina/PR, Brazil
Our “mission field“ was the health-care professionals, who, right in the midst of the greatest global health crisis of the century work around the clock to save lives. There were 123 young missionaries who were organized in trios. With our prayers we tried to show our appreciation and gratitude to those fighting on the front lines. The young women, however, did not only pray; they also wrote letters to encourage the health care providers and to strengthen them in their great task of saving lives.
Some young women share their experiences in this mission
Mariana Vitória Inácio Ferreira, Vila Mariana/São Paulo, Brazil reports: “It is wonderful and a great joy to be part of a Movement in which we are not only formed as Christians but also share the love that the MTA gives us, a love which impels us to reach out to others. In this time of many changes, we, the YUFEM Brazil, put into action prayers, words of comfort, appreciation, and gratitude!”
Poliana Dominico de Jesus, Guarapuava/PR, Bazil said: “Participating in these missions is something new and very rewarding. Something new because it’s my first time participating and because it’s online this year. I’m happy because I‘m praying for those who are on the front lines of the battle against this virus that is ravaging our country.”
Elinie Maria Rodrigues Porto, Angelim/PE, Brazil stated: “The missions represent a chain of faith. Together, through prayer, we show our gratitude and our appreciation for the health care professionals who give so much personally. The joy and enthusiasm of the girls in giving attention to these professionals was palpable when the missionaries were sent out. I am excited about this initiative and the opportunity to participate in these missions. It is a wonderful experience for me.”
Eduarda Ribeiro Giediel, Seberi/RS, writes: “Participating in the online missions was a very different experience for me and a great joy. Praying for these professionals who are on the front lines fighting Covid-19, doing their best and going through unpleasant and painful situations, motivated me to great commitment and prayer. It is also good to see that we are not alone. Other girls from YUFEM are doing the best they can for people we don’t know personally. We only know their stories. We are sure that Mary, Mother of God, is leading us on the right path with this ministry that is so beautiful.”
This initiative of the missionaries motivates one to persevere in prayer and to direct ones attention to ones neighbor, because, as our Father and Founder Father Joseph Kentenich, said: