SOS from the Philippines

A week before Christmas, Super Typhoon Rai swept across the southern part of the Philippines, leaving chaos in its wake: impassable roads, extensive damage to homes and the livelihood of people who were without electricity, water, telecommunication, etc. for weeks and now have to start all over again after losing their homes and belongings. Our […]

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Merry Christmas!

Dear visitors to our website, we Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary wish you a blessed and Merry Christmas also in this year 2021! Around the world we celebrate together the great feast of the birth of Christ. We celebrate together, but not the same way. Each country has its original way of celebrating. This is shown […]

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“Flood boxes” for the Ahr Valley Provide Help in Romania

After the great flood   in the Ahr Valley we Sisters of Mary wanted to offer urgent help. In addition to  a large financial contribution through the Diocese of Trier to the citizens, we immediatly started a donation-in-kind in our houses and businesses here in Schoenstatt. Many sisters also made contributions from their personal possessions. […]

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Giving Your Life to God

Investiture of Hemma Strutz of Austria – with Video-Impressionen from the clothing ceremony –      On November 21, 2021 eight young women from four continents began their journey as Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary celebrating their investiture, their clothing as Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary, in the Adoration Church on Mt. Schoenstatt, Vallendar, Germany. Because of […]

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Investiture of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in Schoenstatt, Germany

Let my Life be a Great Magnificat!   “From the moment I surrendered all of my insecurities and took the first step toward answering God’s call, it was if I lacked nothing anymore. Everything which previously troubled me now brought me inner peace and great inner joy… because I was doing God’s will.” This is […]

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Our Novices Introduce Themselves

We are an international course from six different countries: Australia, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Austria, and Vietnam. Although some of us had a lengthy wait that we readily accepted we arrived in Germany at various times during the previous year. We are very lively, each of us is an original, each has her individual history with […]

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An Invitation to a Birthday Commemoration

Today I received a letter from the pastor of St. Kunibert Parish in Gymnich. I knew immediately: It was the annual invitation to the commemoration of the birthday of Father Kentenich. Actually, on November 16, 2021, we are celebrating the 136th  birthday of Father Joseph Kentenich! Unfortunately, I cannot participate in this celebration, but then, […]

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PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES TO SEAMSTRESSES IN THE “GOOD FUTURE” CENTER IN BUJUMBURA/BURUNDI   On Friday, August 6, 2021 a celebration took place at the Queen of Confidence Center of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in Bujumbura/Schoenstatt-Mont-Gikungu.  Certificates were given to seamstresses who had completed a course at the Akazoza-Keza (Good Future) center. For six months, […]

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“Everything Good Comes in Threes”

In Schoenstatt, many things come in threes. Its Marian spirituality has three main elements: covenant spirituality, instrumentality, and everyday sanctity. Schoenstatt wishes to bring a threefold message to the world: the message of faith in divine providence, the message of the covenant of love, and the message of mission consciousness. Three special pilgrimage graces can […]

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A Pilot Projekt: Conference for Nursing Staff and Caregivers

“If the sisters look at you with radiant eyes, you did everything correctly!” said an employee of our nurses‘ stations to a co-worker in a group discussion.  A Pilot Project  For the first time, a conference for the nursing staff and caregivers on the nursing teams of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary took place from […]

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