Bringing Christ into Christmas

As in many parts of the world, Christmas in South Africa has become very commercialized. It is also the end of the school year and Christmas Day is celebrated in the middle of the long relaxing summer holidays. With these many distractions, numerous people forget about the real meaning of Christmas. The Schoenstatt Sisters have […]

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Schoenstatt Sisters on Mission in Advent

“It is an experience which touches one deeply,”Sr. M. Paula Vicentina Quessada begins her report about the second Mission ‘from door to door’ which is carried out by the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in Atibaia in the State Sao Paulo. In order to prepare families for Christmas and to proclaim the presence of Christ and […]

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A “Golden Time” for Australia

On May 20, 2018, the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary will celebrate the golden jubilee of the shrine in Mulgoa, Sydney. The year of preparation was opened already in May 2017 with the lighting of a jubilee candle by the diocesan Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv. This was at the same time the start […]

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“Life in Abundance”

In preparation for the feast of Christmas, a Nativity play took place at the shrine in Belgrano, Buenos Aires, on December 8, 2017. It was performed by children ages 7-11 who had taken part in various workshops of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in the past year. The workshops bore the theme, “Life in Abundance.” […]

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Ten Minutes at the Crib

“All people may come to you.” This line of a Christmas song that is sung anew every year at the “Ten Minutes at the Crib” in the Adoration Church on Mount Schoenstatt, Vallendar, is characteristic of the event: Each year, thousands of people follow the invitation of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary to the founding […]

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Christmas Celebration at “Jardim de Maria” Pre-School

The birth of Jesus reveals to us the mystery of God’s love for us human beings and especially for the littlest ones. At “Jardim de Maria” (Mary’s Garden) Pre-School, of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in Santa Maria, Brazil, this mystery became newly experiential at the Christmas celebration on December 6, 2017. “I Want to […]

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Reception in Chile

On Saturday, November 25, 2017, in Santiago Chile, seven novices received the dress of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary. Through this they express that from then on, they want to bring their undivided dedication to God after the example of the Blessed Mother and in the service of the mission of Schoenstatt and the church. […]

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The Seed has Borne Fruit

On October 18, 2017, the Mater Ter Admirabilis School of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in Buenos Aires celebrated its 40th jubilee. The whole school year was already marked by a festive atmosphere. But the highpoints were the festive celebrations in October: On October 18, a festive holy Mass of gratitude took place, and on […]

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Spreading Mary’s Mantle of Mercy over Puerto Rico

“On September 20th the world we once knew disappeared… Houses crumbled, roads disappeared, entire towns were flooded by rivers, and mudslides isolated parts of our interior. No power, no water, no communication… We wait in line eleven hours just to buy ice in order to keep our neighbor’s medicine cold,” as Maria Rangel reported in […]

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