Every year at Christmas we realize once again that the miserable manger in the stable of Bethlehem was not a suitable place for the Christ Child to sleep. Here in La Victoria we come in contact again and again with families who do not have good mattresses. To help these people we started the initiative:
A New Bed for the Christ Child!
We then give these beds to the poor so that they too can have a good night’s rest.
To be able to give such a Christmas gift to the families, the following amounts are necessary:
Large bed: 10,000 pesos (about 150 €)
Small bed: 7,000 pesos (about 100 €)
Bunk bed: 15,000 pesos (about 225 €)
Here is an example:
Hansel is the father of a family with three girls. Life has not been kind to him; nevertheless it was possible for him to build a small house for his family. When we visited his family we ascertained that the house had no cement floor, only mud and no electricity. In addition, due to an accident the bed in which the three girls slept was burnt. Thank God the children were not injured. We were able to find a mason who could make them a floor of cement -Hansel helped him – and we could also procure a new bed for the children. Everyone is overjoyed and thankful for this help.
Password: Bett für das Christkind, La Victoria
Missionszentrale der Schoenstätter Marienschwestern
Berg Schoenstatt 6
56179 Vallendar
Tel.: (0261) 64 04-311
E-Mail: missionszentrale@s-ms.org
Bankverbindung: LIGA Bank eG
IBAN: DE10 7509 0300 0000 058920