With the help of donations, the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in Cebu enable children from poor conditions to have an education. Only with this foundation do they have the chance to get a job later on. This is not easy, also in the Philippines!
Even though attendance at public schools is free, many families still can’t afford it, since they need to pay for school uniforms, school books, school projects, and meals.
The sisters would like to secure that 100% of the donated money flows into a successful education for the children. Therefore they choose the child that is to be supported. They also distribute the donated funds themselves. According to each situation, either the families receive the money monthly or the school is paid directly by the sisters, who also take care that the necessary school supplies are provided. The sister in charge of the program visits the families of the children and youth once a year.
Parents and children have to do their part if the program is to be successful. So for example, the money may only be used for school purposes. The child must also be urged to study diligently in order to be able to show us a good report card.
A child who has good grades receives support until graduation. Through various events in the framework of the sponsorship program, the sisters would also like to have an influence on the formation of Christian personalities and families. A team of volunteers supports the promotion of the children once a month and tries to transmit important values to the parents for the education of their children and for a happy family life together. The teens and college students give tutoring classes to the younger ones. This mutual assistance promotes a sense of community and responsibility.
With a donation of 20 euros monthly, you can support the education of a talented child from a needy family who otherwise wouldn’t be able to go to school. In this way you give the child the chance to have a better life.
Even 5 euros are already a help in providing children with the necessary school materials.
Project ID: Schulgeld Philippinen
Mission Center of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary
Berg Schoenstatt 6
56179 Vallendar
Phone: (0261) 6404-311
Email: missionszentrale@s-ms.org
Beneficiary Bank: LIGA Bank eG
IBAN: DE10 7509 0300 0000 058920
Swift Code/BIC: GENODEF1M05