He is better than the best of teachers

It’s just like trying to solve a difficult math problem     Interview with Sr. Therese Marie Yank WHAT DO YOU DO? I recently began teaching middle school math and religion at a local parish school.  I enjoy it! Ever since I was in middle school, I have had the desire to teach. WHAT DO […]

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At Second Glance – 06

Let us see every created thing as a great, illustrated book of God, as a book with readings about him. J. Kentenich Vitamins Often we are in fast mode when we go shopping—and when we are doing other things. We seldom have a genuine encounter with others. But when it happens, it is a good […]

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In unserem "Hauptquartier", das uns zwei Familien großzügigerweise zur 
Verfügung gestellt haben, genießen wir das Abendessen

World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon

Deeply Moving Impressions of World Youth Day … In order to help with preparations for World Youth Day, I flew to Porto, Portugal, already on July 14, 2023. I was warmly received at the Schoenstatt Shrine in Gafanha da Nazaré. Although I had never been in Portugal before and I didn’t know the people or […]

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Discovering God behind everything

It is not I who strive for the dear God, but he strives for me “Behold, your God! He himself is coming and will save you.” (Is 35:4) Through contact with a priest who writes regularly for Vatican Magazine, I was asked if I could write a personal-spiritual contribution for the series of articles “Under […]

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“That All May be One” (Jn 17:21)

That we would be one heart and one soul even more. (J. Kentenich) The sisters of the general governments of the Ladies of Schoenstatt, of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary, and of the Women of the Federation meet annually to exchange of ideas and to renew the crowning of the Mother of God that took […]

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Mount Schoenstatt in WYD joy

The Motherhouse full of youthful life In Schoenstatt, we are living close to the joy and enthusiasm of our Schoenstatt youth , who have arrived from many parts of the world to this place of origin, before they continue their pilgrimage to WYD in Lisbon, Portugal. Songs, laughter, shouted mottos resound from the hills and […]

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A crown of flowers to our Queen of Families

On May 18, we gathered at the Founder Shrine in Madison, Wisconsin, to offer a crown of flowers to our Queen of May! Bishop Donald Hying (bishop of the Diocese of Madison) and Father Mark Niehaus (superior of the Schoenstatt Fathers in the USA) joined us as we prayed the rosary and brought all our […]

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For the Sixth Time…

A Visit to our Sisters in Burundi, Central Africa I never thought I would fly to Africa, but this year, for the sixth time, I did so—each time for about three weeks. Twice I participated in the investiture of sisters from the country, and visited the places where our sisters work. Promoting peace from within […]

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MARY AROSE AND WENT! On July 20, 19 young women and two of our sisters set out on a pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2023! Amidst waving flags and the ringing of the bell, they were sent out from our shrine in Waukesha, WI on a two-week trip to the other side of the ocean! […]

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Schönstattjugend unterwegs nach Lissabon

Das Wunder ist geschehen, unsere Jugend ist auf dem Weg! Wenn alles verloren erscheint, vertrauen wir umso mehr auf die Gegenwart und das Wirken der Gottesmutter. Von ihr heißt es: „Maria stand auf und machte sich eilig auf den Weg“ (Lk 1, 39). Sie geht immer an unserer Seite, auch nach Lissabon. Deshalb: ICH GLAUBE […]

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