Twenty-five Years in Kaliningrad, Russia

In October 2017 the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary celebrated the 25th jubilee of their missionary work in Kaliningrad, Russia. For this occasion the provincial superior, Sister Marisa Spickers, visited the two sisters in Kaliningrad, Sister M. Angele and Sister M. Gisela, for the first time. Commissioned by the Founder of Schoenstatt In the fall of […]

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What do a Heater and a Cyclamen Have in Common?

What do a Heater and a Cyclamen Have in Common? This question was answered by our five postulants, who came to the training center “Marienland” on Mount Schoenstatt for schooling days from November 13-15, 2017. These five young women from Germany, Hungary, Austria, and the Philippines began their postulancy in Schoenstatt in August 2017. The […]

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A Czech Room in the New Schoenstatt Center in Belmonte

“I accept this gift gladly and immediately!” said Father Kentenich to Auxiliary Bishop Heinrich Tenhumberg in 1965, when he told him about the offer of the General Presidium of the Schoenstatt Work to build a shrine and a Schoenstatt center in Rome. He also certainly says this now to his Czech Schoenstatt Family, who like […]

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Listening, Discerning, and Living the Call of the Lord

Called to Joy In his message for the 55th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Pope Francis emphasizes each Christian’s vocation to joy. This vocation is placed before our eyes anew on Christmas: “Even amid these troubled times, the mystery of the Incarnation reminds us that God continually comes to encounter us. He is God-with-us, […]

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